
Cybersecurity Protection for your customers against

  • Web and email-based infections

    • Phishing /web links
    • Watering hole compromises
    • Malvertising /exploit kits
    • Ransomware
  • Command and control callbacks

    • Malicious payload drop
    • Encryption keys
    • Updated instructions
  • Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)

    • block already infected machines

What comes with SimplifydDNS?

SimplifydDNS Dashboard

Customers are able to view deep analytics and gain insights into their traffic patterns, cybersecurity posture and configure policies to block and filter certain websites and domains

What comes with SimplifydDNS?

SimplifydDNS Customer Mobile App

They also get a mobile app alongside the dashboard that provides the same functionality as the dashboard but allows them the convenience of being able to perform actions on their mobile devices.

Why choose simplifydDNS

  • On-prem DNS recursors, reduces resolution latency for your users and improves browsing experience
  • Unparalleled visibility
  • Superior domain intelligence and categorization
  • Detailed reports and analytics
  • Easy deployment modes (fully on-prem, full cloud, hybrid cloud & on-prem)
  • Content filtering through domain blocklist and category blocks

How to setup simplifydDNS

  • How SimplifydDNS works.

    Simplifyd DNS works at the DNS layer, analysing each DNS request and using domain intelligence and configured policies to determine how to respond. The ultimate result of this is a “clean pipe” to end-users. This service provides end-users with on-network protection by blocking malware, phishing and C&C callbacks. By providing security at the DNS layer, Simplifyd DNS stops threats before they ever reach the end-users organisation’s network or endpoints.

    Simplifyd DNS has superior inbuilt domain intelligence but is configurable to work with 3rd party domain intelligence sources allowing SPs to decide what intelligence source they want to use.

  • A significant advantage of the Simplifyd DNS solution is that it scales easily, is easy and quick to set up and deploy and provides in-depth, first-line defence for SP customers. The service requires no end-user interaction or time consuming ongoing management, thus reducing complexity for the SP while delivering better security and value for their users. The SP has access to the tools necessary to manage Simplifyd DNS including a management dashboard that provides basic logging and reporting capabilities, global policy creation and tier I support from the Simplifyd DNS team.

    With minimal investment and fast time to market, Simplifyd DNS for SPs provides an opportunity for SPs to add revenue without adding too much overhead cost, thus improving the profit margins for SPs. It can be deployed in minutes and is simple to manage, making it an ideal revenue opportunity.

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